![]() ep·i·gram·ma [n] 1. Any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed. 2. A brief, interesting, memorable, and sometimes surprising or satirical statement. |
Boys Like You Are Dime A Dozen
Bodoh banget gue, selama 5 tahun ini gue wasting time buat memikirkan seseorang yang jelas-jelas dia ga pernah mikirin gue. Buat apa gue buang-buang air mata gue. Air mata gue lebih pantas ditetesin buat orang yang jauh lebih baik daripada dia. Oke, we've got our own life. I hope you'll get what you want, me too. Biarpun membuat gue seperti idiot, I'll always put your name in my heart, as my first love that I'll never forget. Sekarang pikiran gue udah ga selabil dulu. Gue udah bisa realize, mana yang harus gue perjuangin, mana yang engga. Sekarang gue cuma bisa ketawa aja inget-inget jaman dulu. I deserve someone better. And you deserve someone better than me too. Goodluck! I have to start a brand new life, a brand new me, without you in it :)
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