ep·i·gram·ma [n]
1. Any witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed.
2. A brief, interesting, memorable, and sometimes surprising or satirical statement.

Yay! It's Earth Hour 2011 already!

Earth hour starts with a simple flick off the light's switch, in a global display of commitment to the betterment of the one thing that unites us all. One hour in which to pause and celebrate this magnificent planet and our life on it, one hour in which to reflect on and recharge our sustainability efforts.
And I'll join Earth Hour by switching off the lights and the electronic devices, because I love the place I live in and I care for it. It's the least I could do. If you wanna join Earth Hour too, don't forget to sign up for Earth Hour HERE and let WWF knows that you'll join Earth Hour, and its today from 8.30pm - 9.30pm your local time.
So, join, take action and spread the words!

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